Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Class/Culture Shock Insurance


I've never had that many friend requests on Facebook at once before. Everyone in my module is so funny and all of them are in a sort of love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with our yoga class. Probably because our instructor can do poses that just don't exist.

It's hard remembering names, so a classmate named Tim decided to be a dear and help me out. 

There's a lot of roaming around town during class. The course is basically focuses on different locations of theatre. We already have a group assignment which is to basically recreate a photo or a painting while preforming something. 

When we were given the prompt, this immediately came to mind.

Why are they all sitting on one side of the table? I asked that question in church once.

Culture Shock Insurance

More like, America follows me wherever I go.

Last semester, culture shock was explained to me in a W shaped curve chart.

Which can be confusing during arrival time, because I'm still a little bit jet lagged (10:00 AM here is 3:00 AM at home). 

Luckily, me and several other American students have explored and we found out that we were in fact, followed by our home country.

We could smell the Subway from about a mile away.

Not to mention the gun shop in the market. 

For the record though, I did not travel over 4,000 miles over the Atlantic and land in the United Kingdom to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken. I can only think of the number of Americans who would give me crap if I did.

Point is, I think I'm covered when it comes to culture shock.

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