Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sweeney Todd

The University is doing a production of Sweeney Todd and I offered to help out with wardrobe backstage. I was called in over the weekend and I expected to have a tech run. Instead it was set building. I do have some experience in both wardrobe crew and set building. I had to do both for the production of the first part of Tony Kushner's Angels in America two years ago, which was everything but forgettable.

I mean a play about a closeted gay republican Mormon lawyer who works for Roy Cohn and is married to a valium addicted wife and his lover's ex-lover is dying of AIDS isn't exactly something I'd consider forgettable.

Sweeney Todd was different. I agreed to help paint the set and once the red paint came out, I was pleaded guilty for killing Mufasa.

Alas I do not have a picture of the set.

I think I helped more in building the set than working backstage. The job description for me was basically "Follow Luke around and do what ever he tells you", which was mostly opening and closing the oven door. At some point, there was a scene where realistic plastic body parts being thrown around on stage and I damn near got hit by a leg.

All in all, I've heard good things about the performance. I had the privilege of hearing the songs and seeing some scenes on the higher part of the stage.

It was all good fun.

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